Every day we generate waste that can be recycled or reused, as long as we make a good classification. In the world, 5 bins identified by colors are used to separate garbage, not enough organic and inorganic. There are also places where we can take what does not have a specific bin.
Here we bring the information to separate the garbage correctly.
Blue bin- Paper and cardboard
What we should deposit in this bin are Newspapers, books, envelopes, magazines and other papers. They are Bags and paper bins, cardboard boxes (which must be folded before being deposited), and egg cartons. What we should not deposit are mixed bins of paper and plastic (brick type), very dirty papers or paper, and polystyrene tablecloths. Visit for more on this or you can visit the website of your trusted rubbish removal company.
Yellow bin- bins and Plastics
In them we must deposit: bins type brick, cans, cans, and metal bins, bottles, bottles, caps, and other plastic bins, sprays and sprays, aluminum and self-adhesive paper, trays of meat or polystyrene fruit, fruit nets, and gloves rubber. What we should NOT deposit are paint cans and chemical products.
Green bin- Glass and Glass
Here we must deposit Glass bottles, jars and canning jars, jugs, and glass goblets. In them we must NOT deposit bottle caps and cans, lamps and fluorescents, mirrors or window glass, medicine bottles, or that have contained toxic and dangerous products.
Brown bin- Organic
In these bins are deposited Remains of food, bones and fruit skins, coffee filters, infusions envelopes, shells of shellfish and mollusks, cork stoppers, eggshells, paper towels, and paper napkins, nutshells, sticks, matches, and animal excrement. It is important NOT to deposit cooking oil, sweepings, cigarette butts, diapers, and feminine hygiene products.
Dark green or gray bin- Rest or Waste
In them, we deposit Sweeping residues, butts, diapers and feminine hygiene products, razors, toothbrushes, chewing gum, vacuum bags, and kitchen sponges. We must NOT deposit toys, clothes, and batteries.
Everything that has no place in any recycling bin must be taken to the points where they are received, specialized places where they receive toys, batteries, clothes, cooking oil, printer ink, appliances, lamps and fluorescents, paints, and x-rays. say all non-recyclable waste.
In this way, you can separate the garbage correctly and continue helping the environment.
Nowadays, the different types of garbage bins are familiar to us in any street, but if we think that paper and plastic bins only collected waste since 1997, it is evident that we still have very little experience in the field of recycling packaging and a lot of work to do in citizen awareness. However, the evolution of recycling in these 16 years, thanks to the installation of different types of garbage bins and the management of the recycling process, has allowed going from 5 to more than 70% of recycled bins of the total produced by the industry. If you take a look at the residential rubbish removal Sydney such as Extra Cheap Rubbish Removal service, then you will be able to discover the deals for them.
In addition to citizen awareness, this has been possible thanks to the organization, responsible for the management of recycling in coordination with production companies, Autonomous Communities, and citizens. Through hundreds of awareness campaigns, have achieved that 99% of the Spanish population has bins for selective waste, which in 2013 avoided 13.8 million CO2 emissions, 15.8 million MWh of energy, and 375 cubic meters of water.