To reduce the risk of complications associated with dental implants, you need to maintain excellent oral hygiene habits before, during, and after the procedure. Oral hygiene is essential throughout your entire life, especially after the procedure when you need to put extra care into what you eat and how you clean your mouth. Temecula Dental Implants provides quick and easy tips that can be very helpful in maintaining a beautiful smile for years to come. Plaque build-up around dental implants can lead to bleeding gums, gum disease, bone loss, infection, and other problems that interrupt the healing process.
Regular And Thorough Cleaning
To clean difficult-to-reach areas, you need a softer brush designed specifically for patients with dental implants. It should have soft bristles that can gently clean your implants. 5 minutes per brushing will suffice, provided you do it correctly. Proper strokes where you detach bacteria from your teeth with a brush are essential. Your dentist can teach you how, or you can seek online tutorials. Many people never put much thought into brushing their teeth, and a little training goes a long way.
Make Sure You Floss Often
Flossing can help remove plaque that has been left behind on your teeth. It is important to floss at least once a day to remove food particles and plaque. Carefully remove your dental implants, teeth, and gums to avoid damaging them. This is another aspect of mouth hygiene where proper technique is vital.
Don’t Use Abrasive Products
You want to use sensitive cleaning products as much as possible whenever you have dental implants, regardless of the toothpaste or mouthwash you use. Products that are too abrasive can cause severe discomfort if used too often. Similarly, you should avoid oral hygiene products with intense flavors, such as mint or cinnamon, since they can hinder healing.
Special Diet
Occasionally, hard foods can damage implants or adjacent teeth. Try to avoid eating hard or crunchy foods. For example, chocolate, caramel, and hard candy should be avoided. It is better to steer clear of these foods for a few days to let your body get used to the new implants.
Avoid Alcohol And Cigarettes
As the dental implant heals, smoking and drinking can harm the implant’s health, especially in the first six months. However, they can also negatively affect them in the future as well. Reducing blood supply to the gums, teeth, and bone can adversely affect dental implants. Too much alcohol can also slow down the healing process of dental implants.
Regular Checkups
You should see your dentist regularly, or at least twice a year, but even more if you experience frequent problems with your teeth. It is beneficial to your oral health and the implant to have your dental implant checked regularly. Dental implants should if properly maintained, last a lifetime. Start caring for your implants today. Make an appointment with your dentist so he can guide you through the process of maintaining your dental implants.
The best way to maintain your implants for years to come is to take good and regular care of them, and the more effort you put into it, the better the results you’ll have.
What Not To Do
Even though implants are designed to withstand a great deal of abuse and provide a strong shield against wear and tear, many habits or types of food can seriously affect their lifespan.
The implant can be severely damaged by certain bad habits and must be avoided. Avoid chewing hard candy, hard ice, or bubblegum. Putting a pencil in your mouth and chewing it is not good. Dentists recommend a nightguard for people who grind their teeth at night.